2013. február 10., vasárnap

szép, de...

we'll be best friends for eternity

no such thing as best friends, and
no such thing as eternity.

If I were to start again and try my best I'd impress for one caress
Swear I would not let you be distressed By your side, I would match your stride
I would be alright if I slept outside all through the night
I would be alright and would greet break of light greet break of light.

If I were to start again and try my best I'd leave no mess, I'd let you rest
Swear I'd feel that all my life was blessed Wouldn't be possessed, you'd never feel depressed
I would snap and bite anyone who tried to harm or pick a fight
Keep me by your side, Swear I'll be your light Guide through your life.

I'd be your eyes and ears,
I'd chase away your fears
Would you promise me, we'll be best friends for eternity
I'd guide you through your years,
bring smiles to those in tears
Need you to care for me, best friends for eternity

If you were to start again and take me back You'd understand every wag
You would never be alone and scared I would be right there, our pain we'd share
I would be your guard, your shining armored knight Taking all the fights (?)
Keep me by your side, Swear I'll be your light Guide through your life.

 judie jay fb-járól

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