2014. november 22., szombat


2001, élő
amikor a szigeten is voltak, a kispál előtt a nagyszínpadon. csak azért voltam ott, hogy legyen helyem a kispálon (!!!), de onnantól fogva kéjszcsojszos lettem örökre.

In your dreams, in your bed
In everyone and in your head
On the wall, it ain't white
In every letter that you write

In the way people talk
In the shape of stones and rocks
He's your hero, he's your god
He listens to this song and nods
and nods

In a voice, in a sound
When you're happy, when you're down
It will pass, things will change
But you don't want to hear that

In the scent of the air
On the clothes that people wear
You feel love, so does he
And he's telling you 'I'm here'
I'm here
He's here
He's here...

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