2014. október 27., hétfő

when I wake up in my makeup

kibaszott klasszikusok. (billy corgan írta courtney szerint a riffet! AWW!)

Oh, make me over
I'm all I wanna be
A walking study
In demonology

Hey, so glad you could make it
Yeah, now you've really made it
Hey, so glad you could make it now

Oh, look at my face
My name is might have been
My name is never was
My name's forgotten

Hey, so glad you could make it
Yeah, now you've really made it
Hey, there's only us left now

When I wake up in my makeup
It's too early for that dress
Wilted and faded somewhere in Hollywood
I'm glad I came here with your pound of flesh
No second billing 'cause you're a star now
Oh, Cinderella, they aren't sluts like you
Beautiful garbage, beautiful dresses
Can you stand up or will you just fall down?

You better watch out
Oh, what you wish for
It better be worth it
So much to die for

Hey, so glad you could make it
Yeah, now you've really made it
Hey, there's only us left now

When I wake up in my makeup
Have you ever felt so used up as this?
It's all so sugarless, hooker/waitress
Model/actress, oh, just go nameless!
Honeysuckle, she's full of poison
She obliterated everything she kissed
Now she's fading somewhere in Hollywood
I'm glad I came here with your pound of flesh

You want a part of me?
Well, I'm not selling cheap
No, I'm not selling cheap


hole - celebrity skin (1998)

2014. október 26., vasárnap

"hát ja, valaki tud vágni"

ez a klip valami csoda
a szám sem rossz, bár nekem a régi röyksopp jobban bejön, de a monumet egy fasza dal.

ezek a képek bhazz
ROBYN!!! imádlak!


nov. 10 - jön az elkerülhetetlen vég: The Inevitable End


2014. október 17., péntek

bad timing, this is what we've got


de most megint

gondoltam, akkor már megmutatom. azóta a Flash című debütalbum kint, itt hallgatható, vagy a spotifyon.
dena egy bulgáriai kiscsaj, berlinből tolja a flesselést.
kurva tehetséges.

/ official site
/ fb
/ soundcloud

2014. október 4., szombat


vettem egy használt ipodot. classic, mint jenő, de nem 80, hanem 160 gigás. majdnemhogy patent új.
JENŐKE *_* nagyon boldog vagyok vele :)

ezt hallgattam tegnap róla:
a moderat egy berlini elektro zenekar, apparat + modeselector.
ez a dal csodálatos. szép és szomorú. szeretem az éneket benne. szeretem, hogy

This is not what you wanted,
Not what you had in mind

Here it ends
No one’s gonna shed a tear
No need to shout
Just to stand the silence

well spent time
In the early morning’s haze
You sit and wait
Watching full glasses through blank eyes

This is not
What you wanted
What you had in mind

Vacuous winter stare
Worn out version of yourself
To tough to fall
But not strong enough to turn

This is not
What you wanted
What you had in mind


moderat fb

moderat - bad kingdom 2013 (album: II)