2011. október 31., hétfő

here we are

újabb mesés zene a kitsuné házból, hölgyeim és uraim, a citizens! prüttyög nekünk.
a honlapon email címért kapható az (i'm in love with your) girlfriend című szám.


itt alul tölthető a true romance.

2011. október 28., péntek

kilencven akárhányban odavoltam ezért!!!!!!

Feels like, I'm standing in a timeless dream
Of light mists, of pale amber rose
Feels like, I'm lost in a deep cloud of heavenly scent
Touching, discovering you

Those days, of warm rains come rushing back to me
Miles of windless, summer night air
Secret moments, shared in the heat of the afternoon
Out of the stillness, soft spoken words

I love you, always forever
Near and far, closer together
Everywhere, I will be with you
Everyday, I will devour you
I love you, always forever
Near and far, closer together
Everywhere, I will be with you
Everyday, I will devour you

You've got, the most unbelievable
blue eyes I've ever seen
You've got, me almost melt away
As we lay there, under a blue sky
with pure white stars
Exotic sweetness, a magical time

Say you'll love, love me forever
Never stop, not for whatever
Near and far and always and
everywhere and everything

donna lewis - always forever (1996)

aztán a titokzatos zsó is belibbent.
ez egy vadabb, nem beágyazható verzió.

IMÁDTAM A TEGNAPI HÁZIBULIT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

2011. október 26., szerda

big bad wolf

úh biztos láttátok már, terjed, mint a pestis - ez a klipp bazz állati jó!!!
a duck sauce tudvalevőleg a két híres LEMEZLOVAS, Armand Van Helden és A-Trak duója.
úgy tűnik, a barbra streisand után is van élet, persze azért az a videó is nagyon jól sikerült, akárhogy is.
nade itt az új cucc:


odabaszós programok -

azaz miért pont karácsony előtt, és miért nincs mindre pénzem?!

nagyon bepörögtek a koncertszervezők így az év végére, na nézzük, mikre partizhatunk örömködve a következő hónapokban:

most pénteken electronic beats: még mindig valahogy reménykedem, hogy nyerek jegyet... aztán lehet, hogy utolsó pillanatban mégis elmegyek. lesz apparat, does it offend you, yeah? és fm belfast is. millenáris, most péntek, a helyszínen 4500.

az a38 elképesztő cuccokat fog hozni, megint:

31. hétfő, 2000.- SENA 7 év után új szólóalbummal jön (a first one-t imádtam!!!), lemezbemutató élő bandával

nov. 5, 2000/2500.- NADEAH a nouvelle vague-ból. szólólemez, az együttesével, sanzon, cukiság, őrület.

nov 18. 1000/1500.- személyes kedvenc, we plants are happy plants kíséri a francia danton eepromot. elektró, de nem annyira zúzós, dallamos, kellemes.

december 4. 4900/5400.- LAMB, igen, a rég várt, lamb, kijött a live at koko album után az ötödik stúdióalbum. legendás együttes: gabriel, goreczki, lullaby... yea. MUST?!

dec. 9 1200/1500.- VELŐRÓZSÁK lemezbemutató, kispál új bandája, azért az a gitározás bárhogyan jó.

dec. 12. 4900/5900.- STEREO MCS deeeaaaansz!

dec 16. 2500/2900.- JAMIE WOON (lélédilákk), ez szuper estének ígérkezik!!!

éééés nov 18. ERASURE lemezbemutató a studióban!!! Tomorrow's World Tour 2011 BÁZZ. 8900-15000.- borsos; de ha arra gondolok, hogy a studio hangtechnikája valóban pazar, hát nem tudom... persze ugyanazt az éjtíz szintipopot nyomják :)

a DÜRERben is eléggé klassz programok lesznek ám:

nov. 20. 3500/4000.- the horrors, harmadik album után, csé kötelez, hogy menjünk, ez egy jó koncert lesz, gyerekek!!!

dec 14. 1900/2500.- the death set, ELMARAD :((( ez eléggé must, erre én kötelezem csét :) itt írtam az ausztrál srácokról, ha élőben is ilyen hangulata van a slap slap-nek, akkor megyek. szal megyek :)

csudi, mi??

sará perché ti amo!

az olasz abba!!! :)
imádom ezt a dalt.

se ci sto bene...

Che confusione
sara perche ti amo
e un'emozione
che cresce piano piano
stringimi forte e stammi piu vicino
se ci sto bene
sara perche ti amo.

Io canto al ritmo del dolce tuo respiro
e primavera
sara perche ti amo.
Cade una stella
ma dimmi dove siamo
che te ne frega
sara perche ti amo.

E vola vola si sa
sempre piu in alto si va
e vola vola con me
il mondo e matto perche
e se l'amore non c'e
basta una sola canzone
per far cunfusione
fuori e dentro di te.
E vola vola si va
sempre piu in alto si va ...

Ma dopo tutto
che cosa c'e di strano
e una canzone
sara perche ti amo
se cade il mondo
allora ci spostiamo
se cade il mondo
sara perche ti amo.

in ingelese qui

ricchi e poveri - sará percé ti amo

2011. október 25., kedd

mad world

michel gondry - imádom
ez a dal - imádom
eső és szar hangulat - ööö nem imádom, de ezzel a dallal megy

eredetileg tears for fears

All around me are familiar faces
Worn out places, worn out faces
Bright and early for their daily races
Going nowhere, going nowhere
Their tears are filling up their glasses
No expression, no expression
Hide my head I want to drown my sorrow
No tomorrow, no tomorrow

And I find it kinda funny
I find it kinda sad
The dreams in which I'm dying
Are the best I've ever had
I find it hard to tell you
I find it hard to take
When people run in circles
It's a very, very mad world mad world

Children waiting for the day they feel good
Happy Birthday, Happy Birthday
And I feel the way that every child should
Sit and listen, sit and listen
Went to school and I was very nervous
No one knew me, no one knew me
Hello teacher tell me what's my lesson
Look right through me, look right through me

michael andrews, gary jules - mad world

csináljátok helyettem

Három Judit, négy Zsuzsa és a Rock and Roll
Mégsem érzem szombat éjjel magam jól.
Haza megyek, lefekszem,
Csináljátok helyettem.
Minden szinten Rock and roll,
Szinte minden Rock and roll.
Minden szinten Rock and roll,
Szinte minden Rock and roll.

Három Judit, négy Zsuzsa és a Rock and roll.
Mégsem érzem szombat éjjel magam jól.
Haza megyek és lefekszem
Csináljátok helyettem.
Minden szinten Rock and roll,
Szinte minden Rock and roll.
Minden szinten Rock and roll,
Szinte minden Rock and roll

egy popzene EP-t találtam az ultra rockon (ez nincs rajta), de ott annyi kincs van, hogy halásszatok magatoknak.

2011. október 23., vasárnap

the angry mob

we read the papers every day

I can prove anything,
I'll make you admit again and again
That I can prove anything,
The way that it's written, again and again.

And it's only 'cause you came here with your brothers too,
If you came here on your own you'd be dead,
It's only 'cause you follow what the others do,
It's not excuse to say you're easily led.

You could choose anything,
You choose to lose again and again,
And you could do anything,
But why should you do anything again?

And it's only 'cause you came here with your brothers too,
If you came here on your own you'd be dead,
You're winding yourself up until you're turning blue,
Repeating everything that you read.

So here we go with a letter,
Can you fix it for me?
Because we need entertainment
To keep us all off the streets.

So tonight, you'll sleep softly in your bed...

You could try anything,
And no one would know, apart from you and me,
You could stop anything,
It starts with just one, and turns to two then three.

And it's only 'cause you came here with your brothers too,
If you came here on your own you'd be dead,
You raise a glass until you raise a fist or two,
And get a shopping basket wrapped 'round your head.

So here we go with a letter,
Can you fix it for me
For 24-hour drinking
To keep us all off the streets?

So tonight, you'll sleep softly in your bed...

We are the Angry Mob,
We read the papers every day,
We like who we like, we hate who we hate,
But we're also easily swayed

kaiser chiefs - the angry mob

klasszikusok szemerkélő, őszi esőhöz

küldöm a MANÖKENEKnek.
akik ha púznak, naivan néznek szét.

illetve hogy VADONNA. nyihihi:)
persze elkezdtem tovább nézni a videókat, és már szakadok :) idióták!

Én vagyok a bombanő,
Az illatom átható,
Ha feszes blúzom felveszem,
A mellem jól látható.
A sok buta férfiak
Tekintete rám ragad
Mindig hihihihi

A bombanő az csupa titok,
Senki se látja, ha kakilok,
A bombanő az gyönyörű szép,
Ha púzok, naivan nézek szét.

Pillantásom megvető,
De kéjesen kacér,
A csípőm lágyan ringatom,
Hajamat fújja a szél.
A sok buta férfiak
Szédülten omlanak
Elém, hahaha

A bombanő száján ragyog a rúzs,
Bár leheletem kissé gyanús,
A bombanő lába jó alakú,
De csak én tudom, hogy sajtszagú.

A sok buta férfiak
Vadul harapnának
Belém, aaú!

A bombanő az rejtelem,
Ha feljön a slájm, én mind lenyelem,
Megnyerő a bombanő,
Bár hajlataimban gomba nő.

l'art pour l'art társulat - vadonna: bombanő (vastyúk is talál szeget album, 1995)

2011. október 22., szombat

egy klasszikus remix

kilencvenes évek, videó alatti komment jól mutatja a hangit:
"what a fucking tune!!! i nearly chewed me jaw off back in the nineties!!!;-)
shazowars 6 hónappal ezelőtt"

Honey bring it close to my lips, yeah

Tori Amos - Professional Widow (Armand Van Helden Remix) 1996

2011. október 21., péntek


tegnapra pedig boldog szülinapot snoop doggy doggnak, a nádszál-gangsztának.
meg is beszéltük egyszer, hogy soha nem szállnánk be egy ilyen  fullgáz partilimóba, CSAK, ha snoop bulizna odabent és szólna a higidi hiphápp.


ez a doggystyle (1993), de nehezen választottam ki, mert a vén fasznak egy csomó teljesen jó száma van.

azért ez eléggé MENŐ:

I want to take a breath that's true

mazzy star, jönnek új cuccal állítólag. csilles, lassú, gitározós, fátyolfelhős.

I want to hold the hand inside you
I want to take a breath that's true
I look to you and I see nothing
I look to you to see the truth
You live your life
You go in shadows
You'll come apart and you'll go black
Some kind of night into your darkness
Colors your eyes with what's not there.

Fade into you
Strange you never knew
Fade into you
I think its strange you never knew

A stranger's light comes on slowly
A stranger's heart without a home
You put your hands into your head
And then it's smiles cover your heart

Fade into you
Strange you never knew
Fade into you

I think its strange you never knew
I think its strange you never knew

mezzy star - fade into you (1994)

2011. október 20., csütörtök

nyáhh sláger

oké, kész, ma ez megy, múúúvlákdzsega.
mert megnéztem reggel a moves like JABBA videót :D

a dal egyébként alapvetően szerintem szar, de ez a refrén nagyon is fülbemászó

Just shoot for the stars
If it feels right
Then aim for my heart
If you feel like
Can take me away, and make it okay
I swear I’ll behave

You wanted control
Sure we waited
I put on a show
Now I make it
You say I’m a kid
My ego is big
I don’t give a shit
And it goes like this

Take me by the tongue
And I’ll know you
Kiss til you’re drunk
And I’ll show you

You want the moves like Jagger
I got the moves like Jagger
I got the moves… like Jagger

I don’t even try to control you
Look into my eyes and I’ll own you

Baby it’s hard
And it feel like you’re broken in scar
Nothing feels right
But when you’re with me
I make you believe
That I’ve got the key

So get in the car
We can ride it
Wherever you want
Get inside it
And you want to stir
But I’m shifting gears
I’ll take it from here
And it goes like this...

maroon 5 ft christina aguilera - moves like jagger

2011. október 19., szerda

who likes all the pretty songs

ma ez kiabál a fejemben:

Sell the kids for food
Weather changes moods
Spring is here again
Reproductive glands

He's the one who likes
All the pretty songs and he
Likes to sing along and he
Likes to shoot his gun but he
Don't know what it means
Don't know what it means
And I say Yeah

We can have some more
Nature is a whore
Bruises on the fruit
Tender age in bloom

He's the one who likes
All the pretty songs and he
Likes to sing along and he
Likes to shoot his gun but he
Don't know what it means
Don't know what it means
And I say Yeah

nirvana - in bloom (1992)

2011. október 18., kedd

elillanó idők

ejj, de szép cím.

IAMX (ex-sneaker pimps) legutóbbi albumának címadó számához készült klip (nem új, szeptemberi), olyan, amilyen szokott lenni -  sötét, érzelmes, toxikus és kellemesen indusztriál.

Look at me, what have I become
I am lost I was once a gentleman
But the thief came out in my London town
So I must leave you now
But I will remember the ups and the downs

Goodbye my friends
Goodbye to the money
Adieu to the fuckers that think that it's funny
I just want to turn the lights on in these volatile times
I just want to turn the lights on in these volatile times

Look at me in the apocalypse
My European guilt, expecting instant fix
I imagine all the brutal services
Of ancient infidels
Of all the wounded and the crying witches

I drove through countries like a marching funeral
In the search of fools and utopians
Along the lonely roads with all the empty human souls
Filling their heavy hearts
With slum religion and Coca-Cola
Every book is read and I'm paralyzed
Every fist is clenched, but I'm so tired

IAMX - volatile times album (itt a remix EP 2011)

2011. október 17., hétfő

get out of my dreams

hétfői pénteki háhhh

Hey you, get in to my car
Who me?
Yes you, get in to my car
Woooooooooh. Wah! Hey!

Who's that lady
Coming down the road
Who's that lady
Who's that woman
Walking through my door
What's the score
I'll be the sun
Shining on you
Hey Cinderella
Step in your shoe
I'll be your non-stop lover
Get it while you can
Your non-stop miracle
I'm your man

Get outta my dreams
Get in to my car
Get outta my dream
Get in to the back seat baby
Get in to my car
Beep Beep, yeah
Get outta my mind
Get in to my life
Oh I said hey (Hey) you (You)
Get in to my car

Oh baby

Lady driver
Let me take your wheel
Smooth operator
Touch my bumper (Bumper)
Hey, let's make a deal
Make it real
Like a road runner
Coming after you
Just like a hero
Outta the blue
I'll be your non-stop lover
Get it while you can
Your non-stop miracle
I'm your man

billy ocean -get out of my drems (get into my car) (1988)

2011. október 16., vasárnap

just looking for a good fuck

egy rendkívül furcsa videó, melyben egy mósmedve-kézbábról van szó, aki kokainozik, for one.
nagyon vicces, a csaj is klassz, ez az első klipje, egy new york-i énekesnő.

szöveg itt

 ez az albumborító, a soundcloudról.

meg az is, hogy őőőőzikék a metronomy új cuccában:

When I take you back, I thought you'd only up and run
But you are still here, I know
And when I take you back, I thought you'd only up and run
But you are still here, you are still here

And now everything goes my way
And now everything goes my way, it feels so good to have you back my love
I'm in love again
Love, I'm in love again

Why give it all on you, you shot a hole in my heart straight through
When you pushed me aside, three weeks I cried
But now you got me back, You know I'll never up and run
Yeah I stay in here, I stay right here

And now everything goes my way
And now everything goes my way, it feels so good to have you back my love
I'm in love again
Love, I'm in love again
Love, I'm in love again
Love, I'm in love again

metronomy - everything goes my way

2011. október 15., szombat

give me one moooomentin tiiiiiime

há! (szöuli olimpia)

when i'm more than i thought i could be!

Each day I live
I want to be
A day to give
The best of me
I'm only one
But not alone
My finest day
Is yet unknown

I broke my heart
Fought every gain
To taste the sweet
I face the pain
I rise and fall
Yet through it all
This much remains

I want one moment in time
When I'm more than I thought I could be
When all of my dreams are a heartbeat away
And the answers are all up to me
Give me one moment in time
When I'm racing with destiny
Then in that one moment of time
I will feel
I will feel eternity

I've lived to be
The very best
I want it all
No time for less
I've laid the plans
Now lay the chance
Here in my hands

Give me one moment in time
When I'm more than I thought I could be
When all of my dreams are a heartbeat away
And the answers are all up to me
Give me one moment in time
When I'm racing with destiny
Then in that one moment of time
I will feel
I will feel eternity

You're a winner for a lifetime
If you seize that one moment in time
Make it shine

whitney huston - one moment in time (1988)

2011. október 14., péntek

save me from the world

londoni trió, tavalyi szingel, honlapon ingyen ep, just for you.
(ráadásnak az adele-cover, version 12765283459591783456899.)

Remember me, remember me when you are down
Float me on air and lift me up from off the ground
Oh baby, I feel lazy
So lie here in my arms tonight
Would you deny, a poor mans cry, a poor mans cry

Just when I'm finding it hard to breath you lift the weight inside of me
Oh baby I see the light thats burning bright and we're the stars
Oh Anne, you save me from the world
Oh Anne, you save me from the world

My head's alive, my head's alive, can't get no peace
Yo're my escape from this heartache I need relief
Oh baby, This world's crazy so lie here in my arms tonight
You can't deny, a poor mans cry, a poor mans cry

Stars please shine for me tonight tonight
Stars please shine for me tonight tonight

graffiti6 - annie you save me

2011. október 13., csütörtök

today i don't feel like doing anything

bár ez hétvégi dal, de ma megy a fejemben

Today I don't feel like doing anything
I just wanna lay in my bed
Don't feel like picking up my phone
So leave a message at the tone
'Cause today I swear I'm not doing anyhing

I'm gonna kick my feet up
Then stare at the fan
Turn the TV on, throw my hand down my pants
Nobody's gonna tell me I can't

I'll be lying on the couch,
just chillin' in my snuggie
Click to MTV, so they can teach me how to dougie
'Cause in my castle I'm the freaking man
Oh Oh

Yes I said it
I said it
I said it 'cause I can

Today I don’t feel like doing anything
I just wanna lay in my bed
Don’t feel like picking up my phone
So leave a message at the tone
'Cause today I swear I'm not doing anything
Nothing at all

Tomorrow I'll wake up do some P90X
Meet a really nice girl, have some really nice sex
She's gonna scream out: 'This is Great'
[Hear me out: this is great]

I might mess around, get my college degree
I bet my old man will be so proud of me
But sorry paps, you'll just have to wait
Oh Oh

bruno mars - the lazy song

2011. október 12., szerda



a városfejlesztési osztály című sorozatból.

nem tehetek róla,

de ma egééész nap azt éneklem, hogy hééééj náááááá

Lipstick junkie be funky all he wanty
she came back wearing a smile
Look-alike someone drug me
they wanted to unplug me
No one in here is on trial
Its just a turn-around

And we go
well and we go
Oh oh oh oh

Tic-toc, I want to rock you like the 80s
Cock-blocking isn’t allowed.
Tugboat Shiela is into memorabilia
Who said three is a crowd?
We better get it on the go

Hey, now
We’ve gotta make it rain somehow
She told me too
And show me what to do
Oh Maggie makes it in her cloud

I said , hey, now
We gotta make it rain somehow
She told me too
And show me what to do
She knows how, to make it loud

Rain dance Maggie advances to the final
Who knew that she had the goods?
Little did I know her body was one delicious vinyl
To your neck of the woods
I want to lick a little bit...

rhcp - rain dance maggie

2011. október 11., kedd

fun, fun, fun

till her daddy takes the t-bird away!

Well she got her daddy's car
And she cruised through the hamburger stand now
Seems she forgot all about the library
Like she told her old man now
And with the radio blasting
Goes cruising just as fast as she can now

And she'll have fun, fun, fun
'Til her daddy takes the T-Bird away

Well the girls can't stand her
'Cause she walks looks and drives like an ace now
She makes the Indy 500 look like the Roman chariot race now
A lotta guys try to catch her
But she leads them on a wild goose chase now

And she'll have fun, fun, fun
'Til her daddy takes the T-Bird away

Well you knew all along
That your dad was gettin' wise to you now
And since he took your set of keys
You've been thinking that your fun is all through now

But you can come along with me
'Cause we gotta a lot of things to do now
(You shouldn't have lied now, you shouldn't have lied)

And we'll have fun, fun, fun now that daddy took the T-Bird away
(Fun, fun, fun now that daddy took the T-Bird away)

the beach boys - fun, fun, fun

2011. október 10., hétfő

it goes to waste

eléggé botrány, hogy olyan időszakom van, amikor coldplayt hallgatok önszántamból, többször.

eléggé odabasz a szöveg helyenként.

egyszer valaki, aki nem chris martin, elénekelhetné nekem ezt a dalt.

When you try your best, but you don't succeed
When you get what you want, but not what you need
When you feel so tired, but you can't sleep
Stuck in reverse

And the tears come streaming down your face
When you lose something you can't replace
When you love someone, but it goes to waste
Could it be worse?

Lights will guide you home
And ignite your bones
And I will try to fix you

And high up above or down below
When you're too in love to let it go
But if you never try you'll never know
Just what you're worth

Tears stream down on your face
When you lose something you cannot replace
Tears stream down on your face
And on your face I...

Lights will guide you home
And ignite your bones
And I will try to fix you

coldplay - fix you

akkor azt modd meg, hogy

miért mindig a szimpatikusabb állatok a vesztesek?

már átlátok rajtam, de nem látok belém
én egy univerzális gondolkodóval élek, aki folyton
boldogabb akar lenni, és nem érti meg,
hogy ez nem így működik, nem ilyen egyszerű
és folytatnám, még tovább is van, de félbeszakít
és azt mondja hogy ez az élet szerinte annyira egyszerű,
hogy az már fáj, mégis érdekes
láthatnám én is, hát persze hogy láthatnád,
csak akkor ne legyél már ilyen mélységesen felületes

hiperkarma - ? (letöltöm - jobbklikk, link mentése)

2011. október 7., péntek

I got my heart but my heart's no good

a világ egyik legjobb száma, de tényleg. ez a dal zseniális.
állítólag azért nem játsszák élőben, mert hogy nem lehet ledobolni a cuccot. de lehet, hogy ez csak örben ledzsend.
("Despite being a single, "The Perfect Drug" has never been performed live. On the official NIN website, "Sara" asked whether this is because "the drum solo would make Jerome's arms fall off." Then-drummer Jerome Dillon replied that they "never rule out the possibility of playing any of the songs live.")

a maxija (halo 11) is elég tökéletes, és a lost highway filmzene, amit innen kaphattok le, az egyik legjobb filmzene album valaha (bowie, trent reznor, smashing pumpkins, manson, és persze angelo badalamenti)

I got my head, but my head is unraveling
Can't keep control, can't keep track of where it's traveling
I got my heart but my heart's no good
And you're the only one that's understood
I come along but I don't know where you're taking me
I shouldn't go but you're wrenching, dragging, shaking me
Turn off the sun, pull the stars from the sky
The more I give to you, the more I die

And I want you
You are the perfect drug
The perfect drug
The perfect drug

You make me hard when I'm all soft inside
I see the truth when I'm all stupid-eyed
The arrow goes straight through my heart
Without you everything just falls apart
My blood wants to say hello to you
My fears want to get inside of you
My soul is so afraid to realize
How very little there is left of me

And I want you
You are the perfect drug
The perfect drug
The perfect drug

Take me, with you
Without you
Without you everything falls apart
Without you it's not as much fun to pick up the pieces

nin - the perfect drug

2011. október 6., csütörtök

there is violence in my heart

You and I we may look the same
But we are very far apart
There's bullet holes where my compassion used to be
And there is violence in my heart
Into fire you can send us
From the fire we return
You can label us a consequence
Of how much you have to learn

You can try but you'll never understand
This is something you will never understand
Can you hear it now?
Hear it coming now?
Can you hear it now?

On hands and knees
We crawl
You can not stop us all
You wear our bones
Our skin
We will not let you in

You have set something in motion
Much greater than you've ever known
Standing there in all your grand naïveté
About to reap what you have sown
Time will feed upon your weaknesses
And soon you'll lose the will to care
When you return to the place that you call home
We will be there
We will be there

On hands and knees
We crawl
You can not stop us all
Our blood
Will stay
We will not go away
On hands and knees
We crawl
You can not stop us all
Our blood
Our grace
Will never leave this place

nin - my violent heart

you got it all wrong

i would rather just die :(((((

ez a világ egyik legjobb száma.

You're losing a friend
You got it all wrong
It's not about revenge
But you're losing a friend

I didn't see it coming
With my head stuck in the sand
But now I'm loosing a friend
And it's keeping me up
It's the ribbons I tied
I would rather just die
Go to hell and crawl back
Than let you go

You're losing a friend
You jeopardise me
Bad bad blood on your hands
And see, you're losing a friend

I'm fickle and I'm vain
And you trick me over and over again
And now I'm losing you
And it's killing me

It's the strings that I tie
I would rather just die
Go to hell and crawl back
Then let it all go
My mistake
To lose you

Oh no, oh no!
So this the end now
I'm losing you
Oh, look at you!
Look what you're wasting
You're losing a friend
Oh no, oh no!
I'm losing a friend
Oh, oh oh no

the cardigans - losing a friend

you know i love you so

D'you know, you know I love you so

Look at the stars,
Look how they shine for you,
And everything you do,
Yeah they were all yellow,

I came along
I wrote a song for you
And all the things you do
And it was called yellow

So then I took my turn
Oh all the things I've done
And it was all yellow

Your skin
Oh yeah your skin and bones
Turn into something beautiful
D'you know you know I love you so
You know I love you so

I swam across
I jumped across for you
Oh all the things you do
Cause you were all yellow

I drew a line
I drew a line for you
Oh what a thing to do
And it was all yellow

Your skin
Oh yeah your skin and bones
Turn into something beautiful
D'you know for you i bleed myself dry
For you i bleed myself dry

Its true look how they shine for you
look how they shine for you
look how they shine for you
look how they shine for you
look how they shine for you
look how they shine
look at the stars look how they shine for you

coldplay - yellow

2011. október 5., szerda

let's start over, let's regret

laleh egy iráni származású svéd énekesnő, ez a dal a 2005-ös laleh című albumról az egyik kedvenc számom.
(a live tomorrow szintén egy nagyon jó szám, ez a kettő a minimum erről a lemezről
I know we could live tomorrow
But I know I live today,
I know we could live tomorrow
But I don’t think we should wait, no...)

csak ilyen nyomi videója van

Maybe see you later
maybe catch you then, oh
Now is complicated
I've got psychological defense

I hope my heart's resistant
You critical disease you
If you pull my cover
you'll be, be infecting me

Forgive but not forget
Let's start over let's regret
Let's forgive we never tried
Let's start the fight inside

Everyone keeps falling (down boy)
Everywhere you go
Everyone is nothing
Everyone is lying on the floor
(hey wakeup!)
But I like it like
But I like it love it
But I like it, like it
Tell me do you like me, oh

Hold me
come hold me
Hold me now
Come on hold me

innen lehetne.

real love

Directed by Dutch Rall
From the album:
Chrysta Bell - 'This Train' - Produced by David Lynch

Vocals: Chrysta Bell
Guitar: David Lynch
Guitar, Bass and Synth: John Neff
Drums: David Lynch and John Neff

Written by David Lynch, John Neff and Chrysta Bell

hát így.

2011. október 4., kedd

crush on you

egy kis vadiúj nero-klipp, nyuhááá (ők két brit férfi).
ízléses elektró, ízlésesen csicsergő énekeslánnyal (alana watson a neve). néha kissé elnyikorog ebbe a manapság oly nagyon divatos, szétcsépelt dábsztepp-vonalba (dábtepp, bocs), de nem tudja elbaszni sehogysem. a nero mégpedig jó.
a sinlge 16-án jön ki.

How did you know 'cause I never told
You found out
I've got a crush on you
No more charades
My heart's been displayed
You found out
I've got a crush, crush, crush, crush

You must have heard it
From my best friend
She's always talkin' when she should be listenin'
Can't keep a secret
To save her life
But still I trusted her with all I felt inside
I never knew, a rumor could spread so fast
'Cause now the word is out
All over town
That I'm longing for you

How did you
You found out
I've got a crush on you

a hype machine-on keresgélhettek.

2011. október 3., hétfő

hurra pokerface

a hurra torpedo egy őrült, oslo-i banda, mint azt láthatjátok, kalapáccsal játszanak régi sütőkön meg efféléken.
a total eclipse of the heart-feldolgozásukkal robbantak, ez pedig egy remek performansz, lédizsazsa, kis queennel a végén, csak az íze végett:

szeretem a fiúkat.

a hivatalosról tölthető 3 dal.

2011. október 1., szombat

never be the same again

hát ma ez.
ha gáz, hát gáz.
a repprészt, mint minden popszámból, ebből is kihagyhatták volna a picsába. (attól még rip left eye, meg minden)

nem tudom, miért jutott ez eszembe.

I call you up whenever things go wrong
You're always there you are my shoulder to cry on
I can't believe it took me quite so long
To take the forbidden step
Is this something that I might regret?

Nothing ventured, nothing gained
A lonely heart that can't be tamed
I'm hoping that you feel the same
This is something that I can't forget

I thought that we would just be friends
Things will never be the same again
It's just the beginning it's not the end
Things will never be the same again
It's not a secret anymore
Now we've opened up the door
Starting tonight and from now on,
We'll never, never be the same again
Never be the same again

Now I know that we were close before
I'm glad I realised I need you so much more
And I don't care what everyone will say
It's about you and me, and we'll never be the same again

Things will never be the same again
Never be the same again
Its not a secret anymore
Never be the same again
Its not a secret anymore
Never be the same again

melanie c - never be the same again (1999)