2012. április 7., szombat

there are wants and there are needs,

and they're two very different things.

a sajnos csak négy évig aktív angol the long blondes egy elképesztően kurvajó banda volt, összesen két albumuk (someone to drive you home, couples) és egy válogatásuk (singles) jelent meg a négy év alatt. 2008 júniusában, 27 éves korában doriannak, a gitárosnak stroke-ja volt, és így nem tudott többé gitározni és vége lett a bulinak. (2011-ben már visszatért itt-ott, pl a former lover bandában. itt meg egy érdekes cikk a bionikus kezéről... BAZZ)

nagyon sajnáltam, mert nagyon jó energiájú poszt-pank indit nyomtak, elképesztően tehetséges kate jackson énekével.

Another weekend without makeup
another evening to myself
well, i guess that i won't be having the time of my life tonight
where do you go when you've finished work?
you should have been home an hour ago
i've got your tea laid out like some kind of fifties housewife

Well i'll feed you, but i need you to make a little more effort
i don't like giving you the third degree
i just want what's due to me...

There are wants and there are needs
and they're two very different things
you can love or be in love, again,
they're two very different things,
yes they're two very different things

I want to talk but you're much too tired
you've got a job but if you don't get fired soon
i'll be extremely surprised
where do you go when you've finished work
you should have been back about an hour ago
you've left me fashioning a double bed and acting
like some kind of fifties housewife

You and i, we're different
you and i, we're two very different things
but still i've got you, i've got you under my skin...

the long blondes - weekend without makeup

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